Did you know Doctor’s Day is on March 30th? Memorable Gifts wants to know how you say thank you to your doctors! Leave us a comment and tell us how you would thank the medical professionals in your life for your chance to win a $50 gift certificate to memorablegifts.com. Don’t forget to check out our blog for Doctor’s Day gift ideas, thank you notes, and more! The contest ends on March 30th. Good luck!
I would thank my doctor with a $50 gift certificate from memorable gifts!
I would tell him
With a box of chocolates because he is always telling me to loose weight
Being perfectly honest, I just say thank you xx
I always thank the doctor without him I would not be here
I would just say thank you
I would give him an epic man hug with epic music blaring in the epic background…. it would be epic
I would give him something from your Office Gifts and Desk Accessories.
I thanked my obgyn by sending him a thank you card with a pic of my baby
i would just say thank you
I am sure to thank him for his time and consideration and once gave him a starbucks giftcard.
Movie tickets – a night out
I would give her a chocolate basket.
some nice chocolates
he would give him a very meanful gift he has been our family doctor since my grandma was little
some chocolates
I would send flowers to her office with a nice card telling her what a great doctor she is.
I just say thank you
My Doctor has helped me find what’s wrong with my knee and for that I would give him some gift vouchers to go for a meal with his family and not have to think about work for a while :)
i’d give him flowers
Thank my doctor in my Christmas card sent to them!
card and chocolates
My sister-in-law is a doctor so I would buy her a spa treatment!
I would tell him
a nice homemade cake
I would tell him
I would send a card :)
i would personally like to slap him in the face he is useless and hands me tablets outlike sweeties and never wants to investigate any of my problems that is why i am now almost wheelchair bound.
Home baked goodies
I would like to thank ALL the Doctors out there!! I would take a Card and fatty foods to my Doctor :)
I would get my doctor a gift certificate for a dinner for two because he and his wife are expecting their first child in a month. After that, they won’t have much time.for dinners out!
I would thank my doctor by giving him a bunch of apples lol
Flowers and a card. If he did not have time to enjoy them maybe the medical receptionists and patients can enjoy them in the office for the day and his wife in the evening.
I would like to thank my doctor by giving him a nice new picture frame as he has some lovely pictures and photos in his room.
He has helped me alot over the years :D
i would give him a card
Apples – after all he can hardly call himself
Id love to be able to thank the doctor who has recently been helping me but suddenly moved to another surgery buy giving him a thank you card and maybe one day sending him a picture of mine and my partners baby (were struggling to conceive) he has helped us to receive the support and correct testing done, and for that I couldn’t thank him enough, or give him a gift that compared to the gift one day he will have given me! :)
Give him a hug, (ive done that before, lol)
By saying Thank You to him
I’d just say thank you.
I would just say ‘thank you’ as I don’t think it is ethical to give gifts to the doctor.
Just say thank you
flowers and a card
I’d just say thanks too.
with thank you card – and I did it last year – she saved my life
I would give a thank you card as I don’t think being too personal and giving gifts is right thing to do
With a thank you card
Looking after my health
say thank you :)
By sending him lovely “thank you” card
With a written note
I’d treat him to a meal at his favourite Italian because he’s absolutely brilliant! And a very professional yet approachable man.
By saying thank you and why
I would bake her a cake
By thanking him and recommending him to everyone iknow
Would give a kiss
I would give my lovely doctor the gift voucher as a nice suprise
I would buy him a gift from memorable gifts
I only go around once every 2 years and it’s a different doctor every time so a card would do.
I make him a pecan pie