Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake
Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake
Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake
Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake
Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake
Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake

Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake

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Product Description

Tiny Treasures I Love You Mom Keepsake

Rather than candy or flowers why not give your mother a keepsake that will last longer than a few days? These adorable 2-1/2" square acrylic blocks that are 3/4" thick can easily sit on her desk at work or at home on the dresser and be a constant reminder of how much you care. Saying I Love You Mom in script letters you can add a line to personalize it from you รป and then present it in its own velvet pouch that she can keep it in when not being displayed.

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"Very cute"


Comments: Fairly small but it was the perfect gift that I needed to complete my mom's gift basket. The gift wrap looks beautiful. I am so eager to open it!


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