Touching Hearts Mother Throw
Touching Hearts Mother Throw

Touching Hearts Mother Throw

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Product Description

Touching Hearts Mother Throw

Ideal for a Mother's Day gift or even for grandma, this charming patchwork quilt designed 100% cotton tapestry will be proudly displayed on a chair or sofa. With pretty pastel plaids, checks and prints, the 40" x 60" throw beautifully states: Mom, whenever you touch this heart you'll know that we Love You. A misty green heart in the center gives you the opportunity to tell Mom how much you care with your children's names. Afghan is made in the USA.

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Comments: This is my family's first year that our mom will be here because she is stationed overseas. As a surprise, my siblings and dad got her separate gifts to send her and the throw will be the last gift for her to receive a week before Mother's day. I cannot wait for her to call us with excitement!


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